Friday, July 8, 2011

What Is The History of Coffee Makers and Coffee

Coffee is one of the most favorite beverages for maximum estimate of population and coffee maker is a base appliance that you can find in many household. First trace of coffee came out of Abyssinia and in the vicinity of the Red Sea around 700 Ad. Modern Africans used to use coffee berry pulp while rituals and even for health.

Origin of these coffee machines


History reveals that there were traces of coffee makers while the period of the Turks. However, the creation of first such machine took place in 1818.

The coming of various Coffee Essentials

During the period of 1835 and 1850, coffee pots became famed as the "cowboy pots". These pots became hugely favorite among the cowboys and thus, such naming originated. That was the time, various items connected to coffee started to come to be available in the market. Whether it is roaster, pressure steamers, grinders, glass balloons, etc. All things was available in plenty.

The First favorite Percolator

Manning-Bowman Percolator was among the first few percolators that became favorite among the users. This model was available in various parts of the United States from 1890. A linen cloth was used to make this unit and after every use, it has to be cleaned.

Introduction of Paper Filter

Cleaning linen cloth every time after use was not suitable and hence when the paper filter arrived, it was widely accepted. The first paper filter was introduced in 1912 and it maintained the popularity for roughly fifty years. In 1960, coffee pots that combined disposable filters arrived in the market. The usage of such pots became favorite mostly in the commercial places.

The Revolution of Mr. Coffee

The year that chanced the scenario of the coffee makers was 1972. In this year, Mr. Coffee coffee machines were introduced and these units included disposable filter and the process of automated drip. Till date, Mr. Coffee is a name to suspect with. The brand is one of the largest coffee makers even today. The brand has always been favorite because they modified their products and offered more beneficial units to the customers. In fact, the coffee price raised sky high while 1977, Mr. Coffee introduced as a machine that used to furnish perfect taste of coffee using fewer coffee grounds.

Arrival of the Timer

After a concentrate of years, many coffee machines started to contain timer. With this feature, the users can set time and the machine will automatically make coffee agreeing to it.

Gradually, population felt the need of a machine that can put in order many cups of coffee at one time, which could be a handy to treat the guests. Mr. Coffee introduced a model in 1989 that was capable of preparation four cups.

Till date, coffee maintains its popularity and various innovations are taking place in terms of the coffee makers.

What Is The History of Coffee Makers and Coffee

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Donut Shop Coffee People

Donut Shop Coffee People
The cup breaks open wrong sometimes.