Thursday, October 6, 2011

The condition Benefits Of Coffee

Are you aware that a combine cups of coffee a day can do a lot more than keep you awake? Coffee has been proven to have a amount of health benefits that go beyond your alertness levels.

So, to learn more about the health benefits of coffee, keep reading.


Increased Antioxidants

Coffee is a customary source of antioxidants for most North American individuals. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, or cancer-causing agents, thereby reducing the cell degradation caused by these free radicals.

A recent study found that most Americans get about 1300 milligrams a day of antioxidants from coffee alone.

Weight Loss and Metabolism

Because coffee is a stimulant, the caffeine inside can give a boost to your metabolism, helping with weight loss and power levels. If you look at the ingredients listed for most over-the-counter weight loss aids, you'll find caffeine is often a customary ingredient.

Be just though, as too much coffee or caffeine can also cause jitters, anxiety and wreak havoc on your sleeping patterns.

Better Brain Function

A recent study found that individuals who drank at least one to two cups of coffee per day scored significantly higher on memory recall, cognitive ability, logic comprehension and basic Iq tests.

So, the next time you're guzzling coffee to get you straight through that late-night cram session, remember that it is doing a lot more than just keeping you awake.

Reduced Alzheimer's Risk

When comparing moderate coffee drinkers (people who drank 2 cups a day) to light coffee drinkers (people who drank less than a cup per day), researchers found that the individuals who drank more coffee were considerably less likely to originate Alzheimer's disease.

Reduced Parkinson's Risk

Two studies have been focused on the connection in the middle of coffee and Parkinson's disease. One found that heavy drinkers were less likely to originate the disease when compared to non-drinkers while another found that the amount of coffee consumed was inversely related to an individual's likelihood of developing Parkinson's.

Reduced Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

A study done by the Harvard School of health found that men who drank approximately 6 8-oz cups of coffee, or 3-4 acceptable mugs could lower their risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes by as much as 50 percent. Meanwhile, women could cut their risk by approximately 30 percent.

Like anything, coffee should be consumed in moderation. While a few cups a day may have health benefits, too much coffee can cause heart problems, increased blood pressure, constipation, indigestion and other undesirable issues.

The condition Benefits Of Coffee

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Donut Shop Coffee People

Donut Shop Coffee People
The cup breaks open wrong sometimes.