Sunday, November 20, 2011

Drink salutary Coffee!

Coffee is not only a tasty and beloved beverage, but now it provides a wealth of condition benefits to the mean Java junkie. So what is the best way to drink your coffee to stay healthy?

When it comes to coffee production, coffee is the second most exported crop worldwide with only oil taking the lead. This is a beloved item to be imported and exported in many different countries, but with the lowering coffee prices, many farmers are taking a hit. If you are interested in drinking coffee that is good for you and the world in general, then make sure to pick Fair Trade coffee because it guarantees a base wage to the farmers so that they can earn their living. This also benefits you as the buyer because it encourages the farmer to use higher standards in their coffee crops since they have a guaranteed wage.


Another prominent and salutary way to drink your coffee is organic because it will be grown without pesticides. The residue of pesticides can often be solidified when coffee beans are roasted at higher temperatures, so it is best to buy coffee that is organically grown without the use of chemicals or pesticides. Even best yet, consider Shade Grown coffee, which is often organic. Shade Grown coffee is grown under larger shade trees that supply an innate habitat to migratory birds. Not only does this retain natural ecosystems, but the birds also work as a natural pesticide by eating the insects off of the coffee plants so that chemical pesticides do not have to be used.

As for enjoying salutary coffee on a daily basis, make sure that all of the beans are ground fresh so that you will touch the most flavor in your brew. If you buy coffee that is pre-ground, then it will already be stale because freshly ground coffee beans go stale within 30 seconds. If you are boiling water to brew coffee in a French Press, it is best to use a ceramic kettle. The speculate for this is that boiling water in a metal kettle can cause an unpleasant taste to the water, so the ceramic kettle will supply a more pure taste to the brew. From that point, it is all the time best to use cool, filtered water when brewing coffee in a machine. If you are using water from the tap, then it could be full of minerals, which will influence the taste of your coffee and build up lime scale in your coffee machine.

If you normally add sugar to your coffee, it is best for your condition to use evaporated cane juice as sugar. Raw sugar is the best form of sugar to use to sweeten, so consider that the best salutary alternative as a sugar substitute. Instead of using many of the coffee creamers on the market, you can also pick to buy organic cream. This will add full and fresh flavors to your coffee, and it will also be best for you than a processed coffee creamer.

Drink salutary Coffee!

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Donut Shop Coffee People

Donut Shop Coffee People
The cup breaks open wrong sometimes.