Sunday, November 13, 2011

wholesome Coffee - Is It Real?

I have been drinking wholesome Coffee with reishi and ginseng extracts for about 2 months. I started out having a cup here and there just to truthfully say to my customers - "Yes" I've tried it. Now, it's the thing I look send to most when I wake in the morning!

My preference is for the wholesome Coffee "Blend" that comes prepackaged with non dairy creamer. It is so delicious, I get this urge to chew it rather than drink it!


I work in a Call center here in Florida and it is highly demanding. My focus has to be A-1 to remember all that has to be researched and answered in minutes. I tried the Mini Wheats thing after viewing the Tv Ads but like most Ads, they are hyped for sales. So no... I did not get my "focusizer" on from having cereal every morning. What I got were a few more pounds added on my scale!!

Thankfully, I found wholesome Coffee with ginseng and reishi extracts. One cup of this Brazilian glutton pleasure will give you vigor and a "good to be alive" kinda feeling all day without a caffeine spike. In fact, the caffeine content is less than found in a cup of "Decaf" coffee - that's a fact. The vigor comes from the Ginseng Extracts blended in the Coffee products.

There is no sudden vigor crash or spike like other unhealthy vigor drinks. It's all about an even, steady keel here. Then at night, you sleep like a baby, waking refreshed the next morning.

The key ingredient in wholesome Coffee - Reishi Mushroom - is the talk of well known healthcare professionals, e.g. Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Oz, Dr. Vitez and so many more. There are websites dedicated to these spicy findings, including: - The American Library of treatment (search reishi and see for yourself).

Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) has been found effective in treating invasive Breast Cancer. Prevents and destroys tumors. Reduces or eliminates Type Ii Diabetes, cholesterol, inflammation and so much more. For me, I drink wholesome Coffee when I have indigestion or heartburn. After a integrate of sips the burning sensation just goes away along with the bloated feeling. The best part is I don't any longer have to use antacids. I hated that horrible coating on my tongue I would get after chewing antacids!!

So, if you could preclude tumor growth, get vigor all day, sleep like a baby at night, lower your cholesterol or diabetic readings, eliminate indigestion and more - all by drinking a cup of wholesome Coffee a day - What would your decision be? I'm listening...

wholesome Coffee - Is It Real?

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Donut Shop Coffee People

Donut Shop Coffee People
The cup breaks open wrong sometimes.