Saturday, April 23, 2011

Coffee: When and How Much - Is Timing Important?

Coffee is a beloved beverage among adults, and even adolescents around the world. It comes in many different styles including ground, french roast, dark roast, duplicate roast, light roast, and medium roast. Coffee contains the active ingredient caffeine which acts as a stimulant and can boost mood, and wakefulness. Consequently, like other stimulants, coffee is habit forming and is a type of drug.

If one is to concede that coffee is a drug, however, they must also concede that it is a commonly benign one. Though it is benign, it is not without it's effects. Some of these effects are more desirable and even useful while others less so. It is worth mentioning that tea contains caffeine as well, though at a lower concentration. The ask that many population then face is: how much is too much, and when should I drink it?


Coffee has a relatively long half-life, and is familiar to disrupt the circadian rhythm even hours after it has been drank. For this infer it is prominent that you drink it a reasonable distance of time before bed, and often this can be much greater in distance than one might expect. For most population this implies you probably should not drink caffeine any later than lunch time if you want to preclude it from impacting your sleep.

Because of the fact that caffeine is a drug like any other, once tolerance builds many individuals find themselves upping the dose. Instead of drinking one cup of coffee they may have two, or three. The truth is, the greater whole of coffee that you drink the higher probability you will have some of it still in your bloodstream by the time you go to bed. This can preclude you from ever getting that deep, healthful level of sleep.

Coffee isn't all gloom and doom, however. Coffee may have some legitimate benefits as well. One such advantage is the succeed it has on weight lifting and aerobic endurance. Caffeine by one means or another is able to cause a boost physically, which is the infer many athletes drink some before working out. It has also been shown to decrease stroke risk in women. Watch out, though! Caffeine has also been correlated with atrial fibrillation.

If you're implicated about the possibility of effects on the heart from the use of caffeine, the best place you can take these concerns is, of course, to your doctor!

Coffee: When and How Much - Is Timing Important?

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Donut Shop Coffee People

Donut Shop Coffee People
The cup breaks open wrong sometimes.