Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hope; 14

Hope; 14 Video Clips. Duration : 0.45 Mins.

5+cmnts He woke up letting out a silent hiss because his head feels heavy he slowly opened his eyes the room too bright noticing the burgundy color curtains is when he realize he isn't at his apartment Sitting up he ignore the ache in his head and looked around that's when he remembered he came to Selena standing up he walked out of the room the smell of coffee in the air Her slim body came to view when he enter the kitchen she had his back to him feeling awkward Joe:hey Turning around Selena:hey your up Joe:uh yeah Selena:how's your head? Joe:now that you mention it's not good Selena:I'm making coffee that should help Joe:thanks Selena:I know how much hangovers suck you guys must've partied hard Joe:um not really just drank too much too fast Selena:still sounds fun She smiled, it got quiet putting his hands deep in his pockets Joe:um sorry for coming here Selena:it's fine Joe:I just remember wanting to see you Selena:yeah it's okay Joe:it's really not, you shouldn't have to deal with me drunk Selena:no worries Joe your not a bad drunk at all you just say things Joe:what did I say? He quickly asked trying to think hard to see if he remembers anything Selena:nothing important just slurs and stuff, but you did ask for a kiss before you went to sleep and tried to seduce me Joe:I did? It didn't work obviously right? Selena:no you didn't succeed Joe:that really sucks I really need to work on my drunken seduction skills They both laughed he felt much relax and the awkwardness ...

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Donut Shop Coffee People

Donut Shop Coffee People
The cup breaks open wrong sometimes.