Monday, January 23, 2012

How to Fight Water retention by Changing Your Eating Habits

Fluid keeping is not new for most women. In fact, the feeling of being bloated and swollen is common before, during, or a few days after the menstrual period. But despite being an unexceptional occurrence, water keeping is not something that one should just accept as a fact of life. You can actually do something about the bloating and weight gain caused by hormonal fluctuations while menses or menopause.

One proactive thing you can do to forestall water retention, and even other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause, is by being particularly mindful of the things you eat. It is vital for every person to understand that all that is put inside the mouth can either make you feel best or worse. For more data on what to eat or not eat to forestall water retention, continue reading.


Say No To Too Much Sodium

It is approximately impossible to find meals and processed foods that consist of no salt. Look at the labels of your favorite grubs and you will realize that even pastries and donuts consist of a fair amount of sodium. Salt in itself is not actually bad. In fact, it gives dishes flavor and preserves a lot of foods. However, if you do not want to have any kidney problems in the time to come and you do not want to caress weight gain due to fluid retention, you should try to minimize your salt intake. Make a aware effort to limit your sodium consumption to around 1,000 mg each day.

Get Some Fluids

Did you know that one of the main causes of fluid keeping is dehydration? Once your body detects that water is scarce, it will try to keep and keep as much water as it can hold to ensure that your body will continue to function efficiently. Although plain water is the best source of fluid, you can also get sufficient fluids from juices, soups, fruits and even coffee.

Add Natural Diuretics In Your Diet

Diuretics are foods or substances that can help eliminate excess water inside your body. If you are battling water keeping woes, it may be a good idea to flush out water out of your ideas by eating fruits and vegetables that consist of diuretic properties. Celery, leafy greens, watercress, tomatoes, carrots, onions, and peppers are just some of the vegetables that help eliminate excess water in your body. Fruits that consist of potassium are also good in maintaining the fluid equilibrium in your body.

Have Some Milk

It may be a good idea to drink at least two glasses of milk a day when you feel that you have water keeping problems. Milk is rich in calcium, which is also vital in keeping your fluid levels balanced. Aside from milk, you can also look for other good sources of calcium, such as yogurt, especially if you are suffering from lactose intolerance.

Increase Fatty Fish Intake

Premenstrual syndrome (Pms) is one of the prominent causes of fluid keeping in women. For those who are retaining excess water in the body because of this syndrome, it may be a good idea to find foods that can minimize, if not eliminate Pms. Some good sources of nutrients that can fight against Pms are fatty fishes, along with tuna, salmon, mackerel and sardines. Besides, fatty fishes also have a lot of other benefits so you would want to consist of them in your diet at least twice a week.

Go Ahead And Take Some Supplements

If you are not suffering from kidney, heart or other serious problems, you can all the time rely on supplements that fight water keeping and help you deal with excess fluid problems. However, just make sure that the one you select is safe, efficient and made up of natural ingredients. One supplement that you may want to try for water keeping problems is Expelis.

How to Fight Water retention by Changing Your Eating Habits

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Donut Shop Coffee People
The cup breaks open wrong sometimes.